Tuesday, 31 December 2013


  ( A historian may comment if these last words are correct )

Alexander’s last wordsBury my body, do not build any monument, keep my hands outside so that the world knows the person who won the world had nothing in his hands when dying“.

There is very instructive incident involving the life of Alexander, the great Greek Macedonian king. Alexander, after conquering many kingdoms, was returning home. On the way, he fell ill and it took him to his death bed. With death staring him in his face, Alexander realized how his conquests, his great army, his sharp sword and all his wealth were of no consequence.
He now longed to reach home to see his mother’s face and bid her his last adieu. But, he had to accept the fact that his sinking health would not permit him to reach his distant homeland. So, the mighty conqueror lay prostrate and pale, helplessly waiting to breathe his last. He called his generals and said, “I will depart from this world soon, I have three wishes, please carry them out without fail.” With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals agreed to abide by their king’s last wishes.
“My first desire is that,” said Alexander, “My physicians alone must carry my coffin.” After a pause, he continued,

“Secondly, I desire that when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected in my treasury.
“The king felt exhausted after saying this. He took a minute’s rest and continued. “My third and last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin.”The people who had gathered there wondered at the king’s strange wishes. But no one dare bring the question to their lips.
Alexander’s favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. “O king, we assure you that your wishes will all be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?”
At this Alexander took a deep breath and said: “I would like the world to know of the three lessons I have just learnt. I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no doctor can really cure any body. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of death. So let not people take life for granted.

The second wish of strewing gold, silver and other riches on the way to the graveyard is to tell People that not even a fraction of gold will come with me. I spent all my life earning riches but cannot take anything with me. Let people realize that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth.

And about my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin, I wish people to know that I came empty handed into this world and empty handed I go out of this world.About these ads

Saturday, 7 December 2013

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  Economics of happiness
Happiness is a stste of being and economics of that explain the interrelation with wealth
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Sunday, 1 December 2013






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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

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Shikwa & Jawab e Shikwa - Allama Iqbal

Shikwa & Jawab e Shikwa - Allama Iqbal

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Tuesday, 12 November 2013

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Shikwa "Allama Iqbal" (Solo) By Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

About this video
"Shikwa---------------THE COMPLAINT (Bang-e-Dra-105) Shikwa (شکوہ) The Complaint http://iqbalurdu.blogspot.com/2011/04/bang-e-dra-105-shikwa.html ( Read Explanation here - نظم کی تشریح یہاں پڑھیں ) http://iqbalurdu.blogspot.com/2013/07/bang-e-dra-105-explanation-of-shikwa.html"

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The Times, London, Friday 22 April 1938

Sir Muhammad Iqbal, of Lahore, whose death at the age of 62 is
 announced by a Reuter message from Lahore, was the greatest Urdu and
 Persian poet of his day, and his reputation in the West might have
 been comparable to that of his great Indian contemporary Tagore had
 translations of his work into English been more frequent. He exercised
 an enormous influence on Islamic thought, and was an eloquent
 supporter of the rights and interests of his fellow Indian Muslims.

Iqbal was greatly influenced as a student at Lahore University by that
 ripe Islamic scholar Sir Thomas Arnold, and for seven years he was
 Professor of Philosophy at the Government College Lahore.

He went to Cambridge in 1905 and read Western philosophy at Trinity
 College, under the direction of the late Dr. McTaggart, for the
 Philosophical Tripos, in which he obtained his degree by research
 work. In J908 he was called to the Bar by Lincoln’s Inn and did some
 practice in Lahore. The Munich University conferred on him the Ph.D.
for a dissertation on the development of metaphysics in Persia. He
 developed a philosophy of his own, which owed much to Nietzsche and
 Bergson, while his poetry often reminded the reader of Shelley. The
 Asrar-i-Khudi ("Secrets of the Self"), published in Lahore in 1915,
 while giving no systematic account of his philosophy, put his ideas in
 a popular and attractive form. Professor R. A. Nicholson, of
 Cambridge, was so impressed by it that he obtained the leave of the poet to translate it into English, and the rendering was published in 1920.

Western readers found him to be an apostle. if not to his own age,
 then to posterity, and after the Persian fashion he invoked the Saki
 to fill his cup with wine and pour moonbeams into the dark night of
 his thought. He was an Islamic enthusiast, inspired by the vision of a
New Mecca, a world-wide, theocratic, Utopian State in which all
 Muslims, no longer divided by the barriers of race and country, should
 he one. His ideal was a free and independent Moslem fraternity, having
 the Ka’aba as its centre and knit together by love of Allah and
 devotion to the Prophet. In his Rumuz-e-Bekhudi ("The Mysteries of
 Selflessness ") (1916) he dealt with the Iife of the Islamic community
 on those lines, and he allied the cry "Back to the Koran" with the
revolutionary force of Western philosophy, which he hoped and believed
would vitalize the movement and ensure its triumph. He, felt that
 Hindu intellectualism and Islamic pantheism had destroyed the capacity
for action based on scientific observation and interpretation of
 phenomena which distinguished the Western peoples and "especially the
 English". But he was severely critical of Western life and thought on
the ground of its materialism. Holding that the full development of
 the individual presupposes a society, he found the ideal society in
 what he considered to be the Prophet's conception of Islam. In 1923 he
 published Piyam-i-Mashriq ("The Message of the East") and addressed
 the modern world at large in reply to Goethe's homage to the genius of
 the East. Two years later came Bang-i-Dira ("The Call to March"), a
 collection of his Urdu poems written during the first 20 years of the century. This was followed by a new Persian volume of which the title stood for "Songs of a Modern David."

A poet with his gifts and his theme could not fail to influence
 thought in an India so politically minded as that of our day. He took
 some part in provincial politics being a member of the Punjab
 Legislature in 1925-28. He was on the British Indian delegation to the
 second session of the Round Table Conference in London in 1931. His
 authority was cited, not without some justification, for a theory of
 Islamic political solidarity in Northern India which might conceivably
 be extended to adjacent Moslem States. In 1930 he publicly advocated
 the formation of a North-West Indian Moslem State by the merging of
 the Moslem Provinces within the proposed All-India Federation. But his
 real interests were religious rather than political. A notable work
 published in 1934 reproduced a series of lectures by the poet on
 â€œThe Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam." Therein he
 sought to reconcile the carrying out of modern reforms, as in Turkey,
 with the claims of the Shari’at. The lectures went to show "that
 soundness and exactitude of historical judgment were not his special
 endowment. The fact was that in maturity as in youth he sought to
 reconcile the most recent of Western philosophical systems, into which
 he gathered the latest scientific conclusions, with the teaching of
 the Koran. Like his earlier work the book was marked by penetrating and noble thought, though the connexion of his argument was somewhat obscure.

He was knighted in 1923, and the Punjab University made him an
 honorary D.Litt. in 1933. He was elected Rhodes Memorial Lecturer at
Oxford University for 1935. For a long time he had been in indifferent
 health, and he became increasingly dreamy and mystical.





Saturday, 9 November 2013

Jawab E Shikwa (Complete) - Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (Solo) - Video Dailymotion

Jawab E Shikwa (Complete) - Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (Solo) - Video Dailymotion

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Wednesday, 30 October 2013














"To live is like to love: all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for it.

Samuel Butler


"Jealousy is that pain which a man feels from the apprehension that he is not equally beloved by the person whom he entirely loves."

Joseph Addison


"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

Henry Ford


"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."

Henry David Thoreau


Thursday, 26 September 2013

Pakistan quake creates new island

Adil Mufti
Pakistan quake creates new island
Watch the video Pakistan quake creates new island on Yahoo News . The earthquake's magnitude 7.7 tremors were powerful enough to force the sea bed to rise up and form a new island off the coast of Pakistan. Deborah Gembara reports.
Read the full article

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Thursday, 11 July 2013


I  have  not written any thing in my blog  for quite some time  My friend Qamar Beg asked me why i have not written anything  for such a long time . Well  the  reason was that i did not   know on what subject  i should write. Then one day i asked myself , am i happy ?  The answer was that in  real sense  no .  I  then started    observing friends  laughing ,joking , playing their favorite games 
i wondered whether  people who look  superficially happy   are  really happy.  Therefore, i  decided that i  need to  study and write a series of articles on  anatomy of happiness incorporating    conventional  wisdom about how to achieve happiness  as well as the ancient  and  immortal thoughts   of six philosophers  on   how to achieve happiness .

Every one  wants  to  be  happy. .According to Aldous Huxley  , happiness is not achieved by the conscious persuit of happiness ;it is generally by-product of other activities.
 The conventional wisdom is that a person is happy if  he is contended with  what he has,  has  a well adjusted  matrimonial life , has  well behaved children , enjoys job satisfaction , has a strong faith in his religion , meets his obligation to his parents, brothers,sisters and his fellow human being. which  leads him to have peace of mind which bring happiness. 

Lust for money, greed , material wealth , envy , social climbing  do not bring happiness   but  are the main causes of brining miseries in once life.

  Happiness, however , is just like a butterfly , it is difficult   to catch it , you  catch it and if you hold it for long time it dies and if  you let it loose  it flies away from you..

The philosophies of following  six thinkers who have influenced history, and their ideas about the pursuit of the happy life  as guide to achieve is  given below.

Socrates on Self-Confidence  – Why do so many people go along with the crowd and fail to stand up for what they truly believe? Partly because they are too easily swayed by other people’s opinions and partly because they don’t know when to have confidence in their own. We tend to accept that people in authority must be right. It is this assumption that Socrates wanted us to challenge by urging us to think logically about the nonsense they often come out with, rather than being struck dumb by their aura of importance and air of suave certainty.

Epicurus on Happiness   The personal implications of the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270BCE) who was no epicurean glutton or wanton consumerist, but an advocate of “friends, freedom and thought” as the path to happiness.

Seneca on Anger– Roman philosopher Lucious Annaeus Seneca (4BCE-65CE), the most famous and popular philosopher of his day, took the subject of anger seriously enough to dedicate a whole book to the subject. Seneca refused to see anger as an irrational outburst over which we have no control. Instead he saw it as a philosophical problem and amenable to treatment by philosophical argument.

Montaigne on Self-Esteem  – Looks at the problem of self-esteem from the perspective of Michel de Montaigne (16th Century), the French philosopher who singled out three main reasons for feeling bad about oneself – sexual inadequecy, failure to live up to social norms, and intellectual inferiority – and then offered practical solutions for overcoming them.

Schopenhauer on Love  The survey of  the 19th Century German thinker Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) who believed that love was the most important thing in life because of its powerful impulse towards ‘the will-to-life’.

Nietzsche on Hardship   The understanding of  Friedrich Nietzsche’s (1844-1900) dictum that any worthwhile achievements in life come from the experience of overcoming hardship. For him, any existence that is too comfortable is worthless, as are the twin refugees of drink or religion.:

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


All Pakistanis  are  proud  to be Muslim and value Islamic traditions  & follow Islamic  teaching  but  we, Pakistanis  have yet to  become a  strong  nation.    Living in   different regions under Pakistan  geographical boundaries,  we  need  to be socially , culturally fully integrated .   Each region in the geographical boundaries  needs  to  be  economic interdependent  on each other  and  need to  voluntarily  share their  regional resources for the sake of unity of  nation.  Pakistan  needs  to  be a true  Muslim Nation , a Nation where all  citizens  irrespective of their religion, sect or cast should have equal rights, As a Muslim Nation ,we should respect all  world religions , faiths  and cultures.

Unfortunitely ,ever since the creation of Pakistan, uneducated Pakistanis clergy intentionally or unintentionally  and the political leadership  have been manipulating uneducated masses to create polarization on the basis of secterianism , prochialism  and keeping tribalism and feudalism intact  so that the poor rural population remain captive  The  Muslim Clergy  must  have  done best they could  but thier limited education brought Muslim in a situation which best  described by Philospher Poet , Alama Iqbal ;


When I Go To The West I See Islam Without Muslims.
When I Come Back To The East I See Muslims Without Islam


 However,  we have all  what is required  to be a  strong Nation .Pakistanis belonging to differenr religions, different secst , different communities  ,living in different regions  have contributed  in the development  of Pakistan ..Recent  respond of poor , lower middle , middle classes, to Imran Khan and Dr. Tahir ul Qadri call for change  indicates new awakening .among these classes .
Following list of glories which Pakistanis of different religions / faith , sect or citizens of different regions of Pakistan earned to make the entire nation proud .


 The founder of this  country was a Shia.

 The  Prime Minister who  started Pakistan nuclear  Program was a Sindhi.

 The Scientist  who lead  a team to develop Nuclear Bomb was a Mohajir

 The only  Noble Prize winner for Pakistan  was  an Ahmedi.

 The man who serves humanity without any discrimination  is a Memon.

 The Pilot who shot  down 5 Indian fighter jets within a minute was a Bengali 

The man who gave you the first cricket world cup was a Pathan

The singer who single handily made Pakistan's music admired globally was a Punjabi  

The Army general who defended Pakistan after the Indian attack in the Battle of Chawinda in 1965 was a Hazara  *
 The Cricketer who took  us to victory against India in 2005 test was a Hindu

The only Pakistani to reach the status of becoming an advisor of United Nation's Secretary General comes from Ismaili Family  *

The Fighter Pilot who not just gave his life for Pakistan, but also went on to fight for Arabs against Israelis in 1967's war and shot down an Israeli Aircraft was a Christian 


 We have  tallest mountains  , we have desert , we  have rivers ,  we  have largest irrigation  system ,  long sea coast  we are oldest  civilization, we grow everything , rice, sugarcan, pulses , corn , wheat , cotton  all  seasonal vegetables & Fruits , we have copper ,silver, gold ,onyx ,gems . gas , coal. 


Urdu , the language  which every one from the Balochistan sea coast  to Lanhi Kotal to Balistan to Chinese border speak . The greatest Urdu poets have been either Punjabi or Pashtun . 

   Even today,

                        Our Kebab is Behari,

                        Our Biryani is Sindhi,

                        Our Tea is Kashmiri,
                         Our    Naan is Afghani,

                      Your Guard is Baloch / Pashtun

                      Your Transporter is Pashtun,

                       Your Port is in Karachi,

                       Your Industry is Punjabi,

                      Your Music is Multani Sufi,

                      Beauty of your country lies in Gilgit Baltistan

   Yet we are not ashamed  to say that only our Religion, our  Sect, our  Province, our Ethnic group is the best while rest should be thrown out of Pakistan!

    Get over such Mentallity 


Friday, 15 February 2013

Election and the Stakeholder Dilemma, they dont say openly what I think they believe is the right thing to do

    This  article  is  based  on author"s personal impression  about  whether different   stakeholders want  election to be delayed or be held  on due date. 

( 1 ) ARMY  wants  election to be delayed for giving time to complete  electoral / political   reforms ,  full accountability of every one and  to achieve economic stability. The concerns of the  security agencies are  (1 ) the threat of terrorism in Karachi / KP  (2)  fears that nationalist parties in Baluchistan could  get together and after acquiring majority in the provincial Assembly  in first phase   may demand autonomy 

   Army , my personal  impression is that  it wants  election to be delayed but does not want to say so openly. Army will not support any one creating such a  situation but would  be happy  if some one is successful in getting election delayed. 

( 2 ) JUDICIARY  , specially  present  Judges wants  election to be delayed for completing electrole / political  reforms  in line  with the constitution  and giving  time for  full  accountability.  SC must be knowing the background ,specially about the political affiliations’ of the controversial members of the Election Commission . Assuming that SC did not know about  the constitutional violation which has taken place in the appointment of these four members but after Babar Awan ( the then Law Minister ) public statement and after reading Dr.Qadri petition and after reading Mr.Shaheen Sehbai article ,dated 16 February ,SC must be concerned and would  like to correct the situation.  However ,they know  their intervention  in this matter  will delay the election of which  SC does not want to take the blame.   
 Judiciary  would  not  like  to  intervene  in  the  political/ democratic    process but  will be happy if some one  is successful  in creating  situation  which could give SC  time to bring election process in accordance with the constitution.

( 3 ) BUSINESS  COMMUNTY  wants election  to be delayed so that  economy is stabilized  and   to create  an environment free of political compulsion   necessary to restore    Law & order  .
 Business Community  is not hesitating  to  say openly  to delay the  election. In fact  business men   from Karachi  are demanding Army to be called in to  restore Law & order and take action against Mafia who collect bhata ( money to allow them to do business )

( 4 ) VOTERS  belonging  to  middle  and lower  middle class  want  election to be  delayed so  that  corrupt  politicians are screened out so that an honest leadership emerged  out of forthcoming election . Poor voters as usual has no say.
 Voters  belonging to the Middle Classes & Lower Middle Classes  are opely expressing their  desire  for meaningful changes by participating in the Jalsas of Imran Khan and Dr.Qadri or whoever promise to bring change. For  the sake of meaningful change these voters  will  not mind  if the election  is delayed .

( 5 ) AMERICAN & WESTERN POWERS   would not mind  if  the  election  is delayed so that extremism  could be curbed without political interference. American & European also  want smooth  exist from Afghanistan  and want Pakistan to help to negotiate  a peace  accord with  Taliban. American know that it will be difficult for  Pakistanis politicians to  reach a consensus  so they  also want to delay the  election  in Pakistan until their  objective  is achieved .
 However, American & European do not want to openly encourage any undemocratic move such as delayed election in Pakistan which could create  public reactions in their own counties .

( 6 ) WORLD BANK , IMF  and other donor  agencies  would also like election  to be delayed so that  a non-political Government could have time to implement economic reform and take unpopular decision required to  ensure financial discipline.
The world Bank & IMF will  also not openly support  delayed election in Pakistan .

(7 ) POLITICIANS , SPECIALLY  TRADITIONAL POLITICAL ELITES  want  election  to  be  held  without   delay. However, if under  public  pressure generated   by Dr.Qadri, Election Commission starts  disqualifying electable candidates , PPP, ML (N), ML(Q),ANP will resist but  MQM, PTI, JI and Dr.Qadri political party will  not  election to be delayed and will  be happy  to field their candidates .

Pakistanis Trust  in Civilian  Government  has  nosedived  ; US Survey

WASHINGTON, Feb 14: Most Pakistanis have lost faith in their US-allied government and instead trust the military, says a Gallup survey released on Thursday (14 February 2013)
Ninety-two per cent of Pakistanis disapprove of US leadership and 55pc of them fear greater interaction between Muslim and western societies could be harmful.
“The public’s confidence in the Pakistani national government — sometimes seen by Pakistanis as too cosy to the US government — has nosedived, reaching a low of 23 per cent in March and October 2012,” says the survey report.
This is down from 54pc in December 2008, shortly after the beginning of democratically elected President Asif Ali Zardari’s administration.
The trust in civilian government in recent years was the highest in 2006, 58pc, dropped slightly to 54pc in 2008, almost halved to 31pc in 2010 and fell to 23pc in 2012.
Conversely, confidence in the interventionist military — the organisation that has ruled the nation for over half of its post-independence history — climbed to 88pc in October 2012.
The confidence in the military stood at 84pc in 2006, came down to 76pc — the lowest in recent years — by the end of 2008, climbed to 80pc by mid-2012 and peaked to 88pc in 2012.
Gallup, one of the most prominent US surveyors, based these findings on a survey conducted from Sept 30-Oct 16, 2012, in Pakistan. The survey directly followed massive demonstrations against the release of an anti-Muslim film made in the US.
The surveyors predict that the upcoming May elections in Pakistan will be of “seismic importance for the future direction of the country and for US-Pakistan relations”.
The elections will mark the first time in the country’s history that a civilian government peacefully transfers power to a new civilian government.
“Insomuch as the role of the US in Pakistan weighs on the campaign dialogue, the perceived failures of the current regime might translate into the election of political actors that are more hostile or confrontational towards US interests,” the survey warns.
“The degree to which the US-conducted operations within Pakistan have weakened the political position of the existing Pakistani government is an open question,” the surveyors argue, “but the concomitant erosion of approval of US and Pakistani leadership on the Pakistani public’s part is impossible not to notice.”
Instead, Pakistanis put their trust in the military, despite its “meddlesome history in national governing affairs”, the surveyors add.
“What these trends mean for the coming election is unclear, but they suggest that the next few months could be of vital importance for the stability of the Pakistani government and the US-Pakistani relationship.”
The survey pointed out that President Barack Obama’s first term was characterised by strained relations between Pakistan and the US. Consequently, more than nine in 10 Pakistanis (92pc) disapprove of US leadership and 4pc approve, the lowest approval rating ever.
Pakistanis’ approval of the leadership of their ostensible ally, the United States, has historically been quite low. However, perceptions began to change, albeit modestly, through much of President Obama’s first term. As recently as May 2011, 27pc of Pakistanis approved of US leadership, the apex of support.
Noticeably, approval declined after the May 2011 killing of Osama bin Laden, an event that many Pakistanis viewed as a blatant disregard for Pakistani sovereignty.
Concurrently, Pakistanis now more than at any other time in the past three years feel threatened by interaction with the West, according to a May 12-June 6, 2012, survey.
A majority (55pc) say interaction between Muslim and western societies is “more of a threat”, up significantly from 39pc in 2011.
This sharp increase is observed at a time of heightened Pakistani concerns regarding US encroachment on Pakistani sovereignty, including an intensified number of US drone strikes in Pakistan.
Nearly half of the Pakistani population (49pc) is between the ages of 15 and 29. The largely anti-western sentiment among these young Pakistanis suggests that, even as this sizable group ages and begins to have a larger role in Pakistani governance, relations between the US and Pakistan may continue to be fraught with challanges.